Jing Orange Okra
Jing Orange Okra
Archived Page: This variety is unavailable this season. This page is available for informational purposes.
(Abelmoschus esculentus)
65 Days
We LOVE the taste of okra (especially deep fried with a side of homemade ranch ❤), but I’m pretty sure we would grow this variety even if we didn’t. The showy hibiscus-like flowers are striking against the long orange-red fruits, and look phenomenal as border plants. This variety was very productive for us, and a joy to watch bloom over the course of the season.
Direct sow 2-3 seeds at 1’ spacing a few weeks after your last frost when soils have warmed. If the soil is too cold, the seeds will rot. After seeds germinate, thin seedling, leaving the strongest one at each foot increment.
Packet: 50 seeds
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