Firecracker Penstemon

Firecracker Penstemon
Penstemon eatonii
USDA cold hardiness zones: 3-8
Firecracker Penstemon is a native wildflower that grows and spreads well in harsh conditions.
This beautiful perennial has striking carmine red flowers that bloom for long periods starting later in the spring and running through the summer, having longer bloom times with available moisture.
Flower spikes can grow 1-4 feet typically around 2-3 feet with regular low water for us. The plants form rosettes of thick, green to blue-green, evergreen leaves in slowly spreading clumps.
A great low-water plant for attracting hummingbirds and giving a vivid splash of color to your garden space and makes good cut flowers.
Plant in full sun to light shade avoiding dense plantings. Penstemons or beardtongues generally prefer drier conditions, good soil drainage, and lower nutrients. They will live longer in these conditions because they have a tendency to ‘bloom themselves to death’ with nutrient rich soils and regular moderate water. They will generally rot and die with excessive moisture so proper siting and soil that is drier or drains water more quickly are important.
Sow directly into outdoor/unheated greenhouse planting beds, pots or flats in late autumn through early spring for the seeds to receive cold stratification so that they will sprout. For direct sowing prepare soil by moving aside any thick mulch and roughing up the surface of your soil for direct contact.
Packet: 400 seeds