Rocky Mountain Townsend's Daisy

Rocky Mountain Townsend's Daisy
Townsendia eximia
A beautiful lilac-purple or white daisy native to the arid interior Western United States. The flowers are 1.5 to 2.5 inches across and almost outsized to the small stature of these plants that bloom up to around 10 inches at their tallest. Typically they are between 2 and 6 inches tall. These are usually annual or biennial, forming an overwintering rosette of linear, evergreen leaves close to the ground in their first season with potential for blooms if your growing season is long enough. In the second season these flowers bloom prolifically in the spring and early summer and sporadically in the fall.
An excellent low-water, pollinator plant, rock garden or container plant. These thrive in full sun to part shade with low to average water and good soil drainage.
USDA hardiness zones: 5-10
Direct sow seeds in autumn through early spring.
Packet: 100 seeds