Sunshine Mix Gazania

Sunshine Mix Gazania
Gazania rigens
Sunshine mix gazanias bloom from mid to late spring into the fall, putting on a great show and offering up lots of nectar and pollen to an array of pollinators. This mix has so many beautiful color combinations!
The plants thrive in full sun to part shade and do well in hot, windy, low-water conditions and poor soils. Gazanias, or treasure flowers, get these traits from their origins in sandy low-elevation grasslands and alpine meadows throughout the southern countries of Africa.
In mild climates, these gazanias can bloom almost all year, but they are annuals in areas with hard frosts. If you live in an area with mild winters like southern California, be careful with where you allow them to go to seed. This is especially important near wild areas because various gazania species have become invasive outside of their native ranges.
These can make a colorful addition to a pollinator strip or flower garden and are beautiful and vibrant in a patio pot. Plant seeds after the last frosts in the spring. They are fairly quick to germinate. Plants do well with 1β spacing.
Packet: 30 seeds