Green Mist

Green Mist
Ammi visnaga
Common names: Green mist, toothpick plant, ammi, khella, toothpick weed, bisnaga
Green mist forms a beautiful green sea of lacy, richly green foliage, topped with abundant, cloud-like, white and green-tinged umbrellas of flowers 3-5 inches across! These make excellent cut flowers with sturdy, long stems, and leaves that make an excellent backdrop to floral arrangements. The flowers mature from light green buds to white flowers and back to green seed heads that eventually dry to light tan at the end of their maturation. Unlike many of its carrot family cousins, green mist blooms in one season.
The dried, small flower stems under the umbrella flowers make a decent toothpick — hence the name. Additionally, the leaves are edible (probably best to avoid large quantity) and have a pleasant flavor when chewed. The seeds can be used as a condiment.
The plants have a long history of medicinal uses dating back to the Egyptians for alleviating the pain and passage of kidney stones. The oil of the seeds contain a compound called 'khellin' which is used to treat asthma and renal issues.
Green mist is an annual/biennial member of the carrot family (Apiaceae) which has abundant, nectar and pollen-producing flowers that are excellent for attracting many beneficial insects. They attract diverse pollinators and pest-controlling parasitic wasps, lace-wings, minute pirate bugs, and syrphid flies that will eat pests like aphids, fruit flies, thrips and many others.
Bloom time: mid to late summer.
Uses: Annual/biennial, border plant, beneficial insect plant, container plant, cut flowers, dried flowers, condiment, medicinal, taprooted plant for spring-sown cover crop mix.
Cultivation: Medium to low water use, full sun to part shade. Can overwinter as a rosette if seedlings grow in the fall. Direct sow or sow in flats or pots shallowly and keep evenly moist. Germination occurs in 1-2 weeks.
Packet: 200 seeds