Purple Prairie Clover

Purple Prairie Clover
Dalea purpurea
A perennial, nitrogen-fixing (Bean family, Fabaceae) wildflower from the grasslands and shrubby steppes of the central to western states. Utah has a couple different native species of prairie clovers, one of which we plan to offer soon. Purple prairie clover tolerates drought conditions and grows well on well-drained and dry soils, though it can be adaptable to heavy soils as well.
Their upright form, beautiful flowers, delicate foliage, and pollinator and forage quality and adaptability make Purple Prairie Clover a wonderful candidate for many kinds of garden and farm uses. In a garden setting, do a fall cutback close to the ground to keep a tidy plant form.
These 1 to 3 foot tall, deeply taprooted plants have charming cylindrical flower heads with a skirt of bright purple flowers with contrasting orange anthers that moves up the bud as they bloom and seeds develop. They provide bountiful nectar and pollen to honeybees, butterflies, bumblebees and other pollinators. It’s a delight to watch the native insects fly from stem to stem and follow the circular track of flowers as they hungrily gather food. Prairie clover can provide good protein forage to grazing animals and seed-eating wildlife as well.
Seeds germinate best with a rhizobium inoculant (like peas or beans do). Your soil may already house the right microbes. Sow seeds ¼” deep. In springtime sowing, seeds need to be scarified (ie. Nicked with a blade or rubbed between sheets of sandpaper) for quick and uniform sprouting and fall sowing is better for unscarified seeds.
Packet: 200 seeds