Swamp Milkweed

Swamp Milkweed


Asclepias incarnata

We just love these perfect pink and white flowers πŸ’•, and the monarchs seem to prefer them to the other species of milkweed we grow.

Swamp milkweed is native to much of the United States and Eastern Canada. Like narrowleaf milkweed, swamp milkweed often blooms in its first year. It prefers moist soil, but can perform well in a moderately watered flower garden.

Cold stratifying the seeds for 4-6 weeks can aid in germination, but we’ve had luck starting them without stratification. You can also direct sow your seeds from autumn through early spring, and wait for them to germinate on their own schedule. Consider planting them near a rain spout to take advantage of extra water throughout the growing season.

The form we cultivate comes from northern Utah.

Packet: 30 seeds

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