Red Welsh Onions

Red Welsh Onions
Allium fistulosum
A perennial bunching onion originally from China and Siberia and likely misnamed when introduced to Europe. Possibly descended from the Altai Onion (Allium altaicum) of China, Siberia and Central Asia.
This variety of bunching onions has hollow grey-blue to green leaves that grow up to around 2 feet tall with up to a 1” diameter and a red-skinned and white centered base. They form clumps of stems up to a foot across in a growing season with enough moisture and nutrition. These plants will typically bloom in their second season sending up blooming stems that have attractive off-white spheres of flowers that bring in lots of honeybees and other pollinators. The plants continue to produce ‘offsets’ or additional bulbs as existing parts of the clump bloom and set seed in their second year.
Can be propagated by bulbs, divisions, and seeds, giving it a wonderful ability to perennialize and be harvested on an ongoing basis.
The younger bulbs/stems are used much like scallions, and older offsets can be used like leeks. In the right growing conditions you can harvest from these onions in all four seasons.
Grow in full sun to part shade. They are tolerant of a wide range of garden soils. Avoid excess moisture.
Start seeds in late winter/early spring as they like cooler weather for germination.
USDA hardiness zones: 5-9
Packet: 150 seeds